How To Prioritise Time For Your Own Wellbeing

How To Prioritise Time For Your Own Wellbeing

After the last 18 months, it’s become more important than ever before to prioritise self care. Looking after your own wellbeing isn’t selfish. At My Perfect Cosmetics we think it’s absolutely essential. Whether that’s taking a walk in nature, making a cup of tea and grabbing a new ebook, listening to your favourite tunes, or running a hot bath with essential oils, looking after you should be top of your list. 

We’re recommending some top self-care tips for busy mums or come to think of it, anyone with a hectic lifestyle who finds it hard to schedule in "me-time."

6 Simple Self Care Ideas

Mum, wife, best friend, sister, work colleague. We all wear multiple hats daily and it's so easy to neglect where we fit into that scenario. Juggling family with career and managing the house means that sometimes it can feel like an uphill struggle taking care of our wellbeing. 

Regardless of your work/child status, everyone has feelings of guilt when it comes to putting their self care first. But think about this for a minute. If you're not looking after yourself properly, you can't be there for everyone around you. Your to-do list is likely a mile long. Just where, if at all, do you figure on that list? 

We want to help you with 6 simple and actionable ideas and activities that are all about making you a priority for a change!

  1. Move your body more

It's all about consistency. OK, so you might not have time to fit in regular gym sessions, but everyone can commit to moving more each day. How about getting off a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way? Or maybe taking the stairs rather than the lift! Little things like this all help you get more consistent steps and movement into your day. 

Maybe you already have a good exercise routine, but you've plateaued a little and need to shake things up a bit? Choose an activity that really clicks with you and that doesn't feel like a punishment! If you hate running, don't do it! How about a yoga class or trying out Pilates? Love to dance? Why not give the local Zumba class or Barre a tryout. Kids into roller skating? Buy yourself a pair and join them in the local park on a Saturday. Be sure to make it fun and your body, mind and spirit will thank you. If you’re still constrained to indoor exercise, don’t sweat! Well, actually, do sweat! There are literally a myriad of excellent fitness and wellbeing apps designed to make working out anywhere and anytime easy as.

  1. Nurture your body with proper nutrition

Don’t neglect your healthy diet goals. Make sure that you focus on feeding your body with nutritious and wholesome ingredients. Eat all the colours of the rainbow, pack in plenty of water to stay hydrated. If you’ve got the time, try cooking from scratch wherever you can. Take a few minutes out of the day to plan your meals and make sure your fridge is stocked with delicious ingredients to whip up quick and easy, clean and healthy snacks.

  1. Stay connected with friends and family

Don't let hectic schedules deny you time spent with family and friends or your significant other. If you can't manage a weekly date night or regular coffee morning with the girls, at least try and schedule one in every month. Healthy adult time is essential and socialising with your peers helps you to stay connected.

  1. Put some healthcare and pampering time into your calendar

Don't neglect that all-important “me-time''. Set some time aside for a little bit of pampering. 

You can "power-pamper"! Tick off as many boxes in one go as possible. Run a bath, tune into your favourite podcast, wrap your hair in a towel with a deep conditioning treatment and grab yourself a My Perfect Facial. Twenty minutes is all it takes to re-discover your sense of inner calm! Catch up on all the latest gossip over on Instagram and emerge from your luxurious foam filled sanctuary with soft, shiny and deeply nourished hair and skin that's immediately more toned and tightened with a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. 

Yes, you heard us, right! Twenty minutes really is all it takes. We told you it was a "power-pamper" session! My Perfect Facial is an essential in any pampering kit. 

  1. Try to get a good night's sleep

Easier said than done, we know. Don't fall into the trap of trying to get as much done as possible before the kids wake up, only to neglect the quality of your own sleep. The repercussions of chronic and repeated lack of sleep can be severe. 

Establish a healthy nighttime routine and try to avoid food, alcohol, caffeine and arguments before bedtime! 

  1. Be sure to check in with yourself regularly too

Remember the little things that bring you joy and make sure you try and find a small pocket of time to pursue them still. 

It's crucial that you stay connected to yourself and don't just lose yourself in the routine of family life. Why not think about pursuing a new pastime, or pick back up where you left off with a new hobby that you’ve neglected recently.

With these 6 little self care tips, you can look forward to feeling not only more relaxed, but also re-energised. 

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